SD - Blog Entry 10/06

Tuesday 10th June

Same Difference have made a new entry to the blog on their offical web site

Well what a few weeks we have had (so busy that we haven't time to write a blog!
We are sorry!! lol!). We have been listening to the tracks that may be going on the album and getting some of the vocals down! We will let you into a little bit of inside information.....the songs are very fun and are sounding wicked so we are sooooooo excited!
We went to record one of the tracks with Mike Stock and Pete Waterman and it was legendary.
We went to the recording studio with Mike (who is one of the masterminds behind Kylie Minogue and loads of other 80's music!) to record one of the songs (we cant tell you the name of the track, you will just have to buy the album to find out! hint hint). We went to his house which was in the middle of the countryside and it was such an amazing day.
We learnt so much from being with Mike as he is such an inspiration and we have both decided that we would like a house like his one day!!! It was like something you see on the tele!!!!
We have been trying to work out the concept for the video and are talking through some really cool ideas so watch this space!!! We have also been continuing doing our gigs all around the country which has been so much fun... most recently on our travels we have been to Scotland (in the pouring rain!!!!) which was really fun and also up to Blackpool! We also had our first trip to Dublin which was an incredible experience and the crowd were brilliant! I fell in love with the accents (sean) so cant wait to go over to Ireland again!! Hopefully next time we could stay for longer as it was a bit of a flying visit...... We do like to travel! LOL!!!
The next few weeks are going to be very manic for us so we will have loads more gossip for you soon!!! We hope that you are all well and still AMAZING!!


Love Love Love
Sarah and Sean (Same Difference)


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